Have your funds been stolen? Don't lose hope! Our network of expert investigators may be able to help.
start the processProvide us with your email address. You will receive an invitation to our Service Desk, where you can share the details of your case.
Have any unanswered questions? Check out our FAQ.
If you are an investigation agency or law office and you would like to join the Reclaim Crypto Global Network of Investigators, please contact us at reclaimcrypto@coinfirm.com
If you still have questions related to our service or submitting the claim process, please contact us directly at reclaimcrypto@coinfirm.com
Reclaim Crypto is a shared intelligence and asset tracing service founded in 2019.
Headquartered in Warsaw with Torun offices in Poland. Over 20k victims have sought help from the Reclaim Crypto Team.